Kalli's World

Animal Facts

Welcome to the animal facts world, I am going to tell you some facts of my favourite animals.

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Did You Know! I have some sad news, SADLY Unicorns aren't real they are just miths.


This is a picture of my Nana and Popa's cat in Canada, he is called Timeshare he tends to go to their neighbour's house to get cat food. They have cats as well because sometimes he dosn't like his own food. He used to walk out around ouside without an owner so my Nana and Popa adopted him.


This is my Grandparents little dog in Northern Ireland, he's called Ollie.

They got Ollie when I was 4 years old.

Olie is now six years old which makes me 10 years old.

Ollie is a Lhasa Apso dog he is from Northern Ireland.

Did you know 1 year for us is 7 years for dogs.

Ollie is technically 42 years old.